Context Clues 1-4

Quiz 1
The first time I took the quiz I got two wrong. The two i got wrong were questions 3 and 5. Question 3 asked what explicitly ment i answered totally and completely the correct answer was openly and clearly. 
Quiz 2
I received 100% on my first try.
Quiz 3
The first time i took it I got only 1 wrong which was question 8. The question asked what conjecture ment and I answered an exact calculation the correct answer was a guess.
Quiz 4
The first time I took the quiz i got 4 wrong. The four i got wrong were questions 4,5,6,9. Question 4 ask what inchoate ment i answered drastic the correct answer was imperfectly formed. 5 asked what egress ment i answered information desk the correct answer was exit. 6 asked what internecine ment I answered incapable of being resolved peacefully the correct answer was describing a conflict with in a larger group. 9 asked what bipartisan  ment i answered emphasized the correct answer was represented in words.

september 16  multiple choice & context clues

Multiple Choice
100% on my first try.
100% on my first try.
i got number 1 and 2 wrong. For number 1 the question asked what the mode of discourse was and i put exposition when the correct answer was persuastion. Number 2 the question asked  "Which of the following can we accurately infer? Astrology developed in the ancient world largely because" i answered it was part of their traditional mythology when the correct answer was they were scientifically ignorant.
I got Number 6 wrong the question asked "Working in a scullery such as this one was tiring and demanding." i answered PI when the right answer was PA.

Context Clues
Quiz 1
I got 100% on my first try.
Quiz 2
I got 100% on my first try.
Quiz 3
I got 3 and 4 wrong. Question 3 asked strong willed people are resistant to hypnosis i answered NP when the correct answer was NI. Question 4 asked The authors are experts in cults and cultish behavior I answered NI when the correct answer was PA.

Quiz 4
I got 3,4,and 6 wrong. 3 asked Emberton's first patent medicines, Triplex Liver Pills and Globe of Flower cough syrup, were medically quite effective I answered PA4 when the right answerer was NP0. 4 asked Pemberton took out the wine and added a pinch of caffeine to make his syrup taste better I answered PA8 the right answer was PI8. 6 asked Pemberton measured all his ingredients carefully and prepared the syrup according to a precise formula I answered PA9 the right answer was PI8.